Thursday, January 24, 2008

The not so daily update!

I guess Ravyn is right, these are really not daily updates. I can dream right?

The last few days have been really cold and rainy. It is beautiful if dreary. All the plants have lost their dust coating and are shining a green that has not been seen since monsoon season ended. Must be nice for them to breath again.

After a few weeks of total overload, I have found a more enjoyable rhythm to life and am able to pay a little more attention to my practice. It is amazing what a difference it has made to my feelings of sanity and finding center. Honestly, I might not have been practicing as much except I actually have student after student popping in. There is nothing like having to teach to keep you motivated to do your own practice. Anytime I sit to meditate, I always ask why I do not do it more often. It feels so good! Om.... please do...

Below is a random video of a little bike ride from Guruji's house. Enjoy and do not get motion sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By far the coolest little peak into your world yet! That video is great!
I miss you. How is the phone situation?
Let me just email you today and we can catch up. Hopefully the phone lines will go in our favor soon!