Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beauty 2

Here she is. A little (lot) more subtle than the last one. Kind of makes me sad. I enjoyed my flashy period. Well, we all have to go through our phases.
Anyone have a name for her?

Three posts in one day! Can you believe??
Who is reading this thing anyway?

Vedic wedding California style.

Attending a wedding at the main ghat in Varanasi perched over the Ganges in the company of Aghori Babas, Naga Babas, esteemed pandits, cultural creatives (from California) and various other characters certainly made for an exciting evening!

The groom attempted to ride to the wedding on an elephant, only to be foiled by the local police ( I think the wedding party did not fully understand the concept of a “fat bribe.” This is India after all and UP no less!). Other than that minor glitch the wedding went off beautifully! Everyone had such light, lively energy and the couple was very happy and very regal. The pandits performing the ceremony elevated the whole space with the power of mantra, such a strong solid energy evoked! It was easy to get lost in the rhythm of the chanting and to feel why the Vedic wedding ceremony is such a powerful binding ritual.

While I did not take many snaps, here is a little video just to give you an idea of the crowd and the energy. Also, I had to have a photo of me and Baba dressed up in our “drama” (as he likes to say). Cute couple huh? JOKING!!!


For the last week I have had the privilege of teaching some wonderful folks yoga! First there was Natasha and Erika from Canada and then Matt and Cheryl from Holland (via Australia and Ireland). Natasha and Erika joined me for an early morning, very cold yoga session watching the sunrise over the Ganges and Matt and Cheryl worked with me for a few days on another rooftop at a warmer time of day! All four of these lovely people were wonderful to work with, such good energy and openness to the wild reality that they encounter here in Varanasi. It is a wonderful place to explore your practice of yoga. Daily experiences really push your buttons and force your reality to expand so it is very powerful to step into a yoga practice and re-center with a fresh perspective.

While working with Matt and Cheryl, the "real yogis" from the Ashram next door, stopped their daily work to just stand and watch us! It was pretty amusing! I'll have to post a picture of these guys. (long matted hair, yellow dhotis and elaborate Vaishnavaite tikas on their head (i.e. lines of sandal paste and sindur)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sun is back!

After a week of rain and fog, the sun has finally come back out! It is much more enjoyable to ride around on streets that are not covered in a nutella like spread (especially when you know it is mostly cow and bufalo poop). Icky!

Life is rolling along as usually, studying, running around and cleaning. I am constantly amazed how long it takes to keep my house up. Today I spent most of the morning bucket washing sheets and then sweeping and wet-ragging my floor. If you do not do that daily a thick film of dust will coat the whole place. Ugh! After all my cleaning endeavors, my hands and feet felt like ice cubes but the house feels really homey and happy. Nothing like a clean space to make you feel good!

Tonight is a big wedding down on the main ghat of the city. Should be a spectacle. The couple to be married is from California (of course!) and the groom will be riding in on an elephant. My friends from the ashram are arranging and overseeing everything, so I better be there. Baba (the one from the previous pictures) is going to dress up in full mala and wants me to walk around with him (in full sari of course!). Looking forward to a drama filled evening. Hope I do not freeze.

Oh yes, I have been told that I have some sort of Saturnal astrological affliction. Sounds bad. I believe it after my week of item stealing chaos.

Up above, are a few random shots from the ghats.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The not so daily update!

I guess Ravyn is right, these are really not daily updates. I can dream right?

The last few days have been really cold and rainy. It is beautiful if dreary. All the plants have lost their dust coating and are shining a green that has not been seen since monsoon season ended. Must be nice for them to breath again.

After a few weeks of total overload, I have found a more enjoyable rhythm to life and am able to pay a little more attention to my practice. It is amazing what a difference it has made to my feelings of sanity and finding center. Honestly, I might not have been practicing as much except I actually have student after student popping in. There is nothing like having to teach to keep you motivated to do your own practice. Anytime I sit to meditate, I always ask why I do not do it more often. It feels so good! Om.... please do...

Below is a random video of a little bike ride from Guruji's house. Enjoy and do not get motion sick.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Daily Update

Not much going on here, but I did upload a little video clip to the last blog entry.

Baba and I have decided to go into business together. He makes lovely malas and the sale of them will go to support the ashram ( I will put pics of it up soon.) Despite his rather wild look he is a total sweetheart (NO, not in "that" way), completely harmless and a good cook. In February I will begin cooking lessons.

After a very early morning bike ride, I taught a yoga lesson to two Canadian gals. Really, I cannot imagine a better "job" than teaching yoga on the banks of the Ganges with the sunrising over the river. Love it! Makes teaching almost effortless.
Hari Om!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The last of Pink Beauty - Introducing Maroon Beauty!

Before we begin the video eulogy to Beauty, I have to apologize for the bad editing on the last post “Tossing about in Kashi.” It appears that I uploaded notes as well as what I wanted to post! Sorry for the randomness and bad writing.

Tomorrow I will upload a short movie clip of Bufalo loving on Beauty. I will soon upload an action video of bike rides through town.

She was a lovely and trusty ride; I can only hope that her new master/mistress will treat her so kindly.

Today I will go in search of a new ride. Out of respect to my beloved, I think the new ride will have to be of a different color. After all, one should only have one pink cycle per lifetime, no?

After a harrowing trip to and fro shop to shop, I settled on buying a new (instead of used ) cycle and the only model that seemed to be available today was none other than Beauty DX. So, I have a new lovely cycle, a maroon copy of Pink Beauty (as she will hitherto be known). Any suggestions for a name for this new cycle? Maybe you need to see her first. I'll put a pic online tomorrow.

Teaching a couple more Canadians yoga in the morning! Hope I wake up on time!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Death of Beauty

Oh oh oh... today I am in mourning. At 1:30PM Beauty (my fantastic pink cycle) was liberated from her 2 locks and has gone on a journey to the netherworlds of Varanasi. I was happy to have her for as long as I did, but I admit that I am really missing her. Just yesterday I got a new cushy seat. Such is life. Tomorrow, I will have to find a new ride.

I think I might have some sort of star problem. Just two days ago my phone was liberated from my bag.... In the process of getting a new one...

Maybe my liberation is next? One can always hope.

More on this story tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Latest photos- my new flat etc..

Jan and Vivek and a shot from the ghats

New Friend

For the last few days, I have had a mystery in my kitchen. Sunday morning, I walked into the kitchen to find a chewed up, apple with apple skin laying around everywhere and some kind of strange animal poop draped over the counter. Hmmm... I thought, maybe a rat? ... No, poop is to big. Maybe a mongoose? How would it have gotten in (only a thin air grate and the kitchen door is always closed)? Ok, maybe it was not poop, but rat vomit. After all, apples are too healthy for rats, right? So, I cleaned up and hoped that it would not happen again.

Next morning there were two apples that had been skinned and partially chewed. Apple skin everywhere but no poop. Big Mystery!

Last night I was determined to find the culprit. Luckily, it was no challenge. When I came home and into the kitchen around 10PM, the rascal was snooping about the counter-top looking for the next meal. The little critter was not at all what I had expected. Immediately, I fell in love. He/She was about the size of a cat with a long bushy tail, big pointy ears, a long snout and huge nocturnal eyes! I was too stunned to think about taking a picture, wish I had.

So, the little guy freaked out and ran up the shelves to the place where he/she had been spending the last few days. Apparently, I had left the window open in the afternoon and critter had creeped in and consequently been locked in for 2-3 days. It looked so scared and cute. If it were not for the poop and the unwilful imprisonment, I would have loved to have critter for company!

After a little web search, the critter has been identified as an Indian Civit! It is even a rare species. How cool...

Ok, that is all for now, back to philosophy studies (right after some tea and cookies!)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tossing about in Kashi

Is anyone still checking in on this horribly faithless blog? Unfortunately, it is a direct reflection of any journal that I have ever tried to keep. A very good start, then a rapid petering out!

A lot has happened in the last month or two, far more than I can remember, a fair amount that I am happy to forget and a million endless details and visual vignettes that I wish I had written down.

After spending much of the last year in this city of Kashi and being subject to its many changing moods, I‘ve developed a true sense that this is hardly a place of this earth, rather it is an enigma of time and space, existing in its own vortex but encompassing the whole of earthly experience yet somehow suspended outside of it. While everything is a microcosm of the macrocosm, in Kashi it just so much more evident and intense.

This is not a place for the faint of heart or for those who are looking for comfort or a flower laden path to enlightenment. The whole city is a cremation ground. You come here for knowledge (jnana). Not intellectual knowledge, but the kind of knowledge that gives liberating insight and the deep seeing (darshan) that changes your entire consciousness of yourself and the world. Essentially, you are working for cremation of ignorance (avidya), for it is ignorance that is the essential impurity (mala) that keeps us separate from our divine essence (the Self, Consciousness, God, etc…).

Anyone who has ever tried to change a habit or a thought pattern that was causing disharmony their knows that old behaviour/thinking was based on ignorance (misperception, if you like) and when you try to rid yourself of the ignorance it is usually extraordinarily challenging. If you are here seeking knowledge, this place in space and time called Kashi is ready and willing to help, but pulling the teeth of the ignorance is as painful as you might imagine. And, for everyone I know, who is here studying, their deep, disharmonious ruts of thinking and behaving (samskaras) rapidly come to the forefront and demand addressing. There is no hiding here.

So, all this to say, that I’ve been involved in some major deconstruction of little self and confrontation of binding thoughts and behaviors. A really good yogini would be strong in her practice and watch all the turmoil on the surface as though they were just what they are- waves or ripples on a deep ocean that ultimately contains so much more than worldly experience. Turns out I am not that yogini. In my typical style, I dove into the waves and let them toss me about, experiencing to the fullest and for that matter, trying to get an understanding of what they were, how and why they moved, while at the same time loosing the feeling that really are connected to that much deeper calmer, more full aspect of the whole. I’m a bit tired of tossing around on the surface and ready again to rest in the stillness that is on the deeper level. Maybe I’ll dive in soon.

After a few months of spending 10+ hours a week in philosophy lectures, my head is a bit “done in” and I’ve decided that a philosopher I am definitely not! Too much thinking and not enough practice (meaning meditation and mantra - asana too!). Well, study is definitely practice (sadhana), but again, if you are not careful then it gets far to intellectual and can cause a disconnect at the heart. On the other hand, if you keep it connected to the heart, it can be supremely elevating.

On the more material level… The weather is changing (still coldish, but getting brighter and crisper), I’ve settled into a very shanti (peaceful) new home and I’ve rearranged my classes a bit. So maybe the next update, whenever it comes, will be a lot less blah, blah and have a few more details about the wonder that is to be experienced every day!

Ok, I’m off to lunch and for jaunt around to enjoy the beautiful weather!
I’ve decided to read a bit of what other people have written on the place. The main feeling I am having now is one of deep deconstruction of individual self. It is an interesting experience but not exactly easy.